The Latino community in USA represents the third market of Latin America, after Brazil and Mexico. With a population of 54 million, outperforms countries such as Colombia, Argentina and Peru. To get an idea of the dimensions, let’s compare the size of 54 million with the seventh country in the region, Chile, with approximately 19 million inhabitants.


An advantage that this market is the socio-political environment. The Latino community is unfolding in a country with political stability and a strong economy, in comparison with the rest of the region. A challenge when working with this community, is that a significant percentage is illegally in the United States. It is estimated that about 12 million are without legal documents. Another aspect to consider is the fact that most of them are Mexican. To illustrate the importance of Mexicans in the composition of the community, consider that they represent nearly 65%, with Puerto Ricans in second place at 9.5% and Cubans in third place, with roughly 4%.


For any project you plan undertake in this community, please note that the numbers are valuable. To the quantitative exercise, you must add a qualitative study that help to determine the reality of this market and define its true characteristics beyond the stereotypes.

Communications experts with studies in political sociology and negotiation, who have led important projects in Latin America for Fortune 500 companies such as McDonald’s, Microsoft, Placer Dome, Coca-Cola and others. Among their accomplishments are:


Alliances between private & public sector


Identification  of opportunities and business development


Reliable supply of raw materials


Neutralize threats in hostile environments


Cooperation to facilitate processes and ease bureaocracy

Resolution of conflicts


It’s a model to communicate transparently and productively with the Widen Public Sector, which encompasses the audiences with a profile of socio-political action: communities, NGOs, unions and authorities


Model based on quantitative and qualitative analysis


 Productive: fewer resources, better results


 Increases chances of success


Focused on business results for companies and social achievements for politicians


 Attainable, measurable goals


Power Map: audiences and factors


Results vs impact




Government Relations


Reports on socio-polítical environment


Power Map: Who decides and who influences


Management & Prevention of conflicts with unions, communities and/or authorities


Risk management